And I would walk 364.4 Smoots!
Today is the 1st evening of Frank Turner so we decide the day should give our feet a little rest, so we grab a Lyft across the water to Cambridge to the MIT campus and museum.

Our 1st stop is a little cafe for MIT breakfast burrito, Chris and I look a little out of place as it is filled with Students all working on their Macs..although we are not really sure how much work you could really get done.
We head in the museum starting off in the robot gallery, filled with all manor of robots built by MIT alumni, including one that can read emotion, one that can hop and one that can walk.

We continue to wander through the museum we are really impressed with the holograms (photos were not allowed) and the guesural engineering section, with lost of mechanical structures

We take a quick wander around the campus before heading back into the city via Harvard Bridge… All along the bridge are smoot marks, a unit of measure that resulted from a frat house pledge in the 60s. A guy called Oliver Smoot layed down across the bridge and marked the distance. We find out via a quick Google that the marks continued to be maintained every year by the frat house members and in the 80s when the bridge was restored the police asked the marks to be maintained as they are often used to point out where thing had happened.

We make the 364.4 smooths +/-1 ear distance across the bridge and stop for a bite to eat. The sun is shining so we sit outside and watch the people before heading back to the hotel for a rest.

Our evening is spent at the house of blues for the 1st night of the Lost Evening festival..tonight is acoustic night so it is a nice chilled start to the festival.