We’re Not In Canada Anymore

We’re Not In Canada Anymore

Actually we technically are still in Canada, but at the Niagara Falls, a stones throw away from the US border. In fact the border actually splits the Niagara river, so we actually pass between both countries several times over our 2 day stay.

Benoit getting wet at his natural habitat

It’s been a bit of a whirlwind (or whirlpool even). Niagara falls, whilst being a breathtaking natural landmark, it also happens to be a very popular destination for Canadian, American and tourists from further a field.

Getting wet behind (or to the side) of the falls

Hundreds of people are walking or posing for photos by the Horseshoe falls (the Canadian falls, and subjectivity the best ones) as we arrive. And as we explore the area more, we start to realise this is more like Vegas, but surrounding water rather than being in a desert.

Getting wetter almost in the falls

There are moments of enjoying nature, but again with a slight theme park feel. We ‘Journey Behind The Falls’ where we descend several 100 feet and walk behind the falls and then out to the side where we get very wet from our brief exposure.

Staying dry above the falls

Crusing the river on a 20 minute tour, everyone is given a poncho to wear, and we also bring our own rain coats. This time we are in front of both the US and Canadian falls, and get very close and again very wet.

Even drier in our hotel room with a view

A drier experience sees us ride the ‘Areo Car Whirlpool’, a cable car ride over the river where the strongest rapids in North America converge into a fierce whirlpool.

Night falls

Views of the falls are many, be it from Table Rock, our 19th floor hotel room or just about anywhere you go.

Break from the falls

Of course that is not all there is to do, and later in our visit we head up a street where the Vegas feel is at most effect. We grab a drink and bite to eat at Niagara Brewing, and for once we can’t not see or hear the falls, although still feel a breeze to remind us we are not far from them.

It turns out this street is heavily focused on family entertainment, like the seafront at Blackpool, wax works (with a terrible looking Taylor Swift outside), arcades,  fun houses, and 2 mini golf courses. We opt for the later of course, and play 18 holes between a sort of mini falls, with additional dinosaurs.

Vic gets caught

By 10pm each evening the falls are lit up in red white and blue or just red and white. And there is a fireworks show. One night we watch from our hotel room the other we find a quite garden and watch them whilst eating another beaver tail.

Canadian Flag Colours

We are due to leave Niagara to head our final destination for the Lost Evenings festival.  We have time for one activity a visit to the power station and Tunnel. We spend a couple of hours learning about hydropower, seeing a tesla coil in action and walking the whole length of the tunnel where the water was returned to the river.  Here we get another view of the falls

Electricity controller
Getting wet one last time

It’s time to leave, we board the bus and everything seems to be going to plan, despite the heavy Toronto Traffic, when the bus driver pulls off onto the hard shoulder..smoke is coming from the back of the bus.  Slightly worried we all disembark, the bus driver is looking at the back of the bus.. a long few minutes later she tells us it’s all sorted and we can carry on, there’s a few worried glances but we board and safely make it to our stops. A short uber ride later We have arrive at the venue for four days of Lost Evenings.

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